GBAYHA Golf Outing

GBAYHA Golf Outing
$125/golfer / $500 per foursome.
This event is a scramble format. Cost includes: 18 holes, cart, lunch, drink tickets (2), and dinner. Raffle baskets and auction items will available.
Tentative Schedule:
Registration = 9:30AM
Shotgun Start = 11AM
Auction Opens = 4PM
Dinner = 5PM
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Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Presenting Sponsor - $5,000 - Featured company logo on all golf carts, check-in signs, and recognized at opening remarks, dinner, and on website. Sponsorship includes one (1) foursome.
Dinner Sponsor - $4,000 - Company recognition at opening remarks, dinner, and on website. Sponsorship includes one (1) foursome.
Lunch Sponsor - $2,500 - Branding on lunch materials, Company recognition at opening remarks and on website. Sponsorship includes one (1) foursome.
Drink Sponsor - $2,500 - Branding on Drink Tickets. Company recognition at opening remarks and on website. Sponsorship includes one (1) foursome.
Hole Sponsor - $150 - Company logo placed at a tee box and on the event poster and website.
Raffle Basket Donation - At the digression of your company. Donations can be a basket or monetary donation and GBAYHA will build the basket with a tag stating donation provided by "Company".